Utility to move pin_virtual_time(mode 1) and execute pin_bill_day

It sounds like huh, why should I need a script for changing virtual time or executing pin_bill_day but it has utility. Specially for BRM testing, there are scenarios where the movement of time followed by execution of pin_bill_day and pin_ledger_report are required, e.g. 

   - Testing of invalid (soft declined/hard declined) credit cards
   - Checking the monthly bill for a certain period of time
   - Accounting validation by looking at General Ledger(GL) reports of certain months
   - Checking the expiration of the non-currency date based resources valid for a year
   - and so on
Oracle BRM - VirtualNuggets

So this script has the following modes of operation when you will execute it :

$> perl tbill.pl
Current time is : mode 1  1367341200  Tue Apr 30 10:00:00 2013
mode 1  1367341200  Tue Apr 30 10:00:00 2013
Select from the following :
        1. Increment time to next day
        2. Increment time to a date
        3. Move time to a date by incrementing one day at a time
        4. Move time to a date by incrementing one month at a time :
        5. Move time to a date by incrementing 15 days at a time
        Your Selection(1|2|3|4|5) :

 Option1 : Increment time to next day and execute pin_bill_day and pin_ledger_report
Option2 : Increment time to a particular date in future like some date after few months in the same year or next year

Option3 : Increment time to a date in future by executing pin_bill_day and pin_ledger_report on each day of that period

Option4 : Increment time to few months by moving one month at a time and executing pin_bill_day and pin_ledger_report each month

Option5 : Increment time to a date by moving 15 day at once and executing pin_bill_day and pin_ledger_report

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  1. Absolutely, it's vital to proactively manage medical bills. Research costs, review bills, negotiate if necessary, and seek assistance when needed. Your health and finances are crucial.
    Medical billing



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